“bummy” to brilliant! :)

4 Dec

I have been asked several times “How can I dress up my Uggs?”  “I don’t want to always wear them with sweats and “bummy” clothes!”  Today, me and all the girls wore our Uggs to work.  Here’s how I snazzed mine up today…

Floral lace leggings at Kohl's - Vera Wang. Long sweater & cardigan from H&M. Black tank - EXPRESS, necklace-Forever21, UGGS Bailey Triplet- Warren's.

Well, sorry guys but it’s Saturday night and I’ve got friends over and I feel rude with my nose in the computer.  The boys are watching football and Amanda and I are sipping our merlot, just catching up on our lives.  Hope this post finds you having a fantastic Saturday evening, whatever it is you may be doing!  It’s starting to get cold out there y’all…stay warm! 

Until next time…I hope you have a blessed day!

xoxo, Meg

2 Responses to ““bummy” to brilliant! :)”

  1. Jackie Cronkhite December 4, 2010 at 8:42 pm #

    I am LOVING the lace leggings! You look so cute! Where is the best place locally to get long sweaters like that (love H&M but I have no trips planned right now!) – I feel like all the sweaters I buy are too short to wear with leggings.

    PS – your blog is SO good! I’ve enjoyed every post! Great job!

    • allthingssoleful December 4, 2010 at 8:51 pm #

      Ya know…JCPennys had some long sweaters. I was in there helping my sis-in-law shop and I saw some. (when you enter in from inside the mall, go to the left of Sephora) Or check with Solemates or Belle. Target had some in that Mossimo line. While you’re over there, stop in to Old Navy. Dillards has some good stuff too–upstairs over to the right when you get off the escalator or downstairs. Plus, I was just at EXPRESS and they have long sweaters and cardigans. That’s where a lot of mine come from too! Hope this helps! Thank you SO much for reading my blog!!! It means so much, you have no idea! 🙂 xoxo, Meg

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